
TryDiscountCoupons.com has affiliate partnerships, we may or may not be compensated for the sales advertisers make through the links you see on our website.

We make sure to verify the offers sent to us before they are live on the site. I. an event, the advertiser discontinues the offer, we won’t be held responsible. Though we will take the offer off our website the moment we see one instance.

Do excuse us if there is any unreliable coupon or deal you come across, we try our best to bring you the best!

Refunds and Cancellations

The nature of our business is not viable for Refunds and Cancellations. We strictly charge a nominal fee to publish coupon codes and deals sent to us by the users. After verification the deal goes live on the website, this means that users already acknowledge the payments they are making.

In the event we do not publish your deal within 24 business hours of Payment reciept, you can contact us or we shall cancel the order and refund you the amount.